- The historic teachings of the Christian faith, accepting the Bible to be God's inspired Word for us today, and attempting to base the whole of our lives upon its teachings.
- God is the Creator of heaven and earth and all living things.
- God has revealed Himself to us through the Bible and pre-eminently through His Son, Jesus Christ, the only Saviour and Redeemer of men.
- Though there is one true God, yet He exists in three co-equal persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus is the co-equal and co- eternal Son of the living God, an intrinsic member of the Triune Godhead. We hold to His true and sinless humanity, His sacrificial death, bodily resurrection, and ascension to the right Hand of God.
- Man was created by God in His image and likeness, without sin. Adam sinned by breaking the law of God and as a result his race fell. Every one of us has fallen short of God's standards and faces the inescapable eternal judgement of God.
- Though God is just and so must punish sin, He is also loving and willing to pardon sin on an absolutely just basis through the substitutionary Cross-sacrifice of His Son.
- Despite all the good we may do, we cannot undo the sinful wrong we have done by deeds of remorse or any form of good works to bring us into favour with God. If we are to be saved from judgement it must be through the compassion and mercy of God alone.
- God, in love, sent His only-begotten Son, the Lord Jesus into the world, to become man and take the punishment of sin upon Himself.
- Our only hope of Heaven therefore is in trusting Christ personally for salvation. As believers we await the personal, imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to the air for His Church and His subsequent return to earth to establish His kingdom.
- As a local church, established in scripture, we are made up of believers who have been baptised by immersion, who gather together for worship, instruction, fellowship, and service. The pattern for our local church principles and practice is clearly taught in Scripture. This includes the autonomy of the local church, the diversity of spiritual gifts, the distinct function of men and women and the weekly remembrance of the Lord Jesus at the Lord’s Supper.